What is Data recovery?

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Data recovery is to restore data from storage devices(media) in case of damage due to various cases such as user mistake, disasters and etc. As lon as the disc itself has not undergone severe physical damages, although data is deleted or hard disc drives are out of order, stored data remains. The technology that searches and revives the saved data remaining within the disc is called Data Recovery


  • I am using CF(Compact Flash) Memory Card in my Digital Camera, I formated it by mistake. Is it possible to recover also?
  • The storage method of Memory Card such as CF, Smart media, memory stick, SD memory ect. is same as HDD. The recovery rate is more than 90%.
  • The HDD is recognized in CMOS but it's not in Window.
  • The general structure of window file system belongs MBR, BOOT, FAT, ROOT and Data in a separate classification. MBR area has partition information and if MBR area gets damaged, it is impossible to Boot. It can be 100% recovered after consult with expert.
  • HDD got damaged, and it is not recognized.
  • HDD is divided into 5 different parts fixture fixed body, spindle motor, flatter, actuator, and magnetic Head. These parts are composed with delicate parts and especially the HDD can be damaged even fine shock. In this case, you need to consult with expert for accurate check.
  • It is not recognized in CMOS. is it possible to recover?
  • In this case, we can think of 2 different ways.
    First, HEAD damage, the HEAD is the most delicate part in HDD. Due to long time and high temperature, HEAD stick to the Media and it becomes out of operation or lose the value of HEAD.
    Second, the damage of PCB, because of this damage, there can be IC error or BURN. Also there's a possibility of HDD malfunction or even not working REDY itself. PCB has many kinds depending on manufacturer, VERSION, SPEC, and FIRMWARE, so there can be serious damage, if you just change the PCB. you'd better consult with the expert.